Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pics of a Day in Beijing

Okay, I have internet, so I'm uploading and writing fast! Here are a few pics that I took a few days ago, just to give you a feel for Beijing.

The above pic is of Dongdan Station, which is on Line 1, which cuts east/west through Beijing. It allows transfers to Line 5, which runs north/west. North is to the main Olympic venues, like the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube. Two trains come in and disgorged their contents into the hall, and I stood very still to take this shot.

On my way to Canada Olympic House, I saw cars pulling over and people staring at a building. apparently, China versus somebody in Men's Basketball was on. China eventually won, but it was a tight game. People were standing in the streets. Taxis pulled over and gaped. Cops didn't even try to look like they were busy. Everyone was glued to the gigantic TV screen. Where were the protesters when they had their opportunity???

Just a busy street at night, all lit up, for your enjoyment.

This tower is supposed to be a dragon's head. Personally, I can't see it. I thought that it was supposed to represent the Olympic torch. What the hell do I know????

Avie scored seats to the Water Cube, so here we are. We were joined by Shaun Majumder of CBC fame.
The Cube looks interesting outside...

But inside is much more impressive.

And, a daytime shot of the Bird's Next, for your viewing pleasure.

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